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Disadvantages of Hybrid Apps









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And yes, there are also disadvantages to using the cross-platform approach in building a mobile app.Let's look at some of the disadvantages of hybrid apps.Performance and overhead on less performing devices.Using the webview may introduce a greater workload for mobile devices. The openness of native systems has made them more integrating into the development of hybrid apps. The creation of very high-performance APIs and the improvement of the technical characteristics of mobile devices has made the gap less sensitive, in fact in the majority of applications, the difference in performance is barely perceptible. But if you plan to create very dynamic apps, games, virtual reality, multimedia content, engaging graphics, then the hybrid choice might not be ideal.Components and PluginsModern hybrid multiplatform solutions are able to access almost all native features of a device, such as camera, microphone, GPS, gyroscope, etc. However, accessing these features often involves the use of plugins (those who know WordPress understand what I'm talking about!).

Using these plugins adds complexity and dependencies to Special Data development. Using different, third-party codes means less control over quality and flexibility.Third party dependenciesHybrid frameworks are developed by different companies and not by the same operating system developers.Choosing a cross-platform approach means placing trust in the developers and in the durability and stability of the relevant framework, whether it is Ionic, React Native, Xamarin, Appcelerator, etc.). It may happen that these projects are abandoned and no longer supported.Advantages of Native AppsThe native approach is still preferred by many app developers. And there are some good reasons for this.PerformanceNative code is even faster than Javascript and HTML. This factor becomes especially important when the goal is to create graphics-intensive applications such as games and other animation-intensive applications. Mobile browsers are getting closer in performance using the WebGL specification; however the native still has a significant advantage.No addictionsUnlike in the context of hybrid frameworks, developers are not tied to third parties to keep up with support. Native SDKs are often well documented and supported, and communities are very active.Large bookcasesThe use of native SDKs allows the developer to access the most recent features developed specifically for those platforms, without the complexity of having to go through libraries of different origins, which, however well written and developed, involve an additional level of abstraction.

Disadvantages of Native AppsAnd finally here we are at the disadvantages of choosing the native approach for developing an app.Longer development cyclesDeveloping a native solution for Android and iOS in any case involves foreseeing two or three development cycles: iOS, Android and desktop. Each platform has its own development methods, languages, platforms, etc. that require specific updates and maintenance. These factors make development times significantly longer, both in the development, testing and debugging phase, and in the maintenance phase.Higher development and maintenance costsObviously, if times take longer and more developers and skills are required to create (or rather, replicate) the same project across multiple environments, the costs will go hand in hand! More development and maintenance costs! Therefore the choice to go with the native must present rather quantifiable advantages in economic terms.

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